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The Best of Google Earth Illusions
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Image below can be found as an illusion (coincidence?), or provocation done on purpose.

Hmm, it looks like some giant basketball player lives at the Munich airport in Germany.

This isn’t really an optical illusion, just a layer mismatch done on highway I-80 between Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska, but still looks freaky!

Is this a flying can captured with Google Earth?

Here's a zoomed image. Unfortunately there is nothing unexplained and paranormal/high-tech going on with this car. It isn't even flying actually. The answer is that there is simply another black car parked near the with one, giving you impression of a white vehicle's shadow!

The image below is from from Chicago, USA. You can see it on Google Local. Why do the buildings seem to be leaning in different directions?

It's Google's latest show-off for the new Mega Zoom locations. They illustrated it by showing high res aerial photo of an airport located near Den Hague in Netherlands. If you look at the picture below, you'll probably ask yourself: "OK, what's so high res about it?". Well, if you look closely below the airplanes, you will notice what looks like huge people walking by. What you are really seeing are normal sized people walking by part of a miniature version of Holland which is a tourist attraction called "Madurodam".

Cuban Ghost Ship

It's another Google Earth layer mismatch that gives you impression of a haunted ghost ship materializing from nothing. This illusion appears somwhere at cost shore of Cuba.

You can see it for your self if you point your Google Maps to this geographic position: 48.857635, 10.205424 and 0.001193,0.005322 (Germany).


posted by FunStation @ 8:12 AM  
  • At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The Flying car, may infact be just a billboard sign that is several feet off the ground so as to cast a shadow away from it...

  • At 5:13 PM, Blogger FunStation said…

    Yes, you could be right. It could even be a hole in the ground. But, either way, it's nice illusion.

  • At 2:55 PM, Blogger Lightningfreak said…

    I google earthed the bug, couldnt find it Mabey that is 2003 i have 2008

  • At 4:06 AM, Blogger Eerk said…

    The bug in Germany indeed is gone (checked 9-2010), but if you look closely, you'll see it's Photoshop'ed out. They must have been reading this post ;-)

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